In a town with over a hundred galas a year, themes are a great and easy way to set your event apart from the rest. They provide you with many ways to shape your event to fit the expectations of [...]
One of the strongest assets you have in ensuring a successful event is your planning committee. From coordinating volunteers to managing data entry to helping spread the word about your event, a [...]
Who are your guests? What type of event do they want to attend? How do they engage with the world around them? And most importantly…how do you balance both the need to wow your audience with the [...]
Social media is all the rage these days, and for good reason: RESULTS. If you’re not engaging your audience where they live—Facebook, Twitter, and the like—you could be missing a great [...]
Does the thought of doing all the work for a big event overwhelm you? Why not engage your most passionate supporters to help do some of the heaving lifting for you! Pledge based events—a more [...]
Today we had the opportunity to present a Greater Giving Webinar about planning for your auction. We took questions from our callers and in our limited one-hour time frame, we weren’t able [...]
The fall fundraising sprint is just around the corner. While this can be hard to think about in the midst of August when beaches and lapping waves are more appealing, time flies. And, if you’re [...]
We often get asked to consult on the wide world of sponsorship. Sponsorships help generate long-term health and possibility for non-profit organizations. And at its core, sponsorship is about [...]
I often get asked by organizations that are in transition… how do we better incorporate a partnership between our staff and volunteers so that we have a really strong team planning our [...]
Last week we hosted an Auction Planning Class at The Melody Ballroom. Thirty people from 18 different organizations around Oregon and Washington gathered to dive into an all-day class about the [...]